Monday, November 24, 2008


"You become what you think about most but you also attract what you think about most"- John Assaraf

So learn something new each day, travel and visit the places you have always wanted to visit, but most importantly believe in your dreams...because nothing is impossible...


OK, the New Year is approaching and it's time for those NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS...

I am the biggest offender of not exercising (though I used to)...

Exercise not only helps you burn those unwated calories, get you into shape, increase your metabolic rate, it also improves mood. Did you know that due to the chemicals it releases in the brain called endorphins, it gives you an overall feeling of well-being. This is the same chemical that being in love or eating chocolate induces!

Don't you love how your body feels after a good workout... exercise also motivates you to eat healthier...

Exercise does not have to be a drab. There are many forms of exercise that are fun like dancing or playing a sport you enjoy...

Have you ever watched a movie or an event that inspires you to get your butt off the couch and do something physical? I remember after watching GI Jane, I wanted to run a marathon...

"I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself."
- David Herbert Lawrence

So what motivates you?


Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.
-Dalai Lama.

...the people in your life
...running barefoot on the beach
...falling into a pile of fallen leaves
...making angels in the snow
...a good glass of wine
...a good book
...a home cooked meal with family
...a cup of coffee with treasured friends
...a good conversation

What do you appreciate?


Did you know that one-third of our lives we spend sleeping? It's important, letting your body, mind, and soul rest, SLEEP. On the days where you allow yourself to get a goodnight’s sleep and when you wake up don’t you feel like you can conquer the world? Yes, your mind is so refreshed that you are full of energy. Sometimes even a little nap will do the trick. Sleep rejuvenates you. It is so important for your health and mind. Isn’t it amazing how much clearer your thoughts are once you let your body sleep and rest.

Don't you love those nights when the moon sneaks in through your window and you are falling asleep? Isn't there something mysterious about the night and its shadows? Or what about those lazy rainy days...don't you love listening to the rain and falling asleep especially in someone's arms? Or what about those winter mornings when it's so cold and all you want to do is just wrap yourself in your comforter and not get out of bed? Have you ever slept beneath the naked sky, on a clear night gazing out in the sky full of stars...gazing into the universe and wondering wondering... Were you ever awaken from a dream where you wish you would have dreamed the end because it was so good? Have you ever observed someone sleep, isn't it peaceful?

...and finally do you ever wonder where your soul goes when you sleep?

p.s. I hate the sound of the alarm clock...


When Dalai Lama was asked if forgiving one’s enemies can make a difference to one’s spiritual progress, his response was:
“Yes, yes, there is no doubt. It’s crucial. It’s one of the most important things. It can change one’s life. To reduce hatred and other destructive emotions, you must develop their opposites—compassion and kindness. If you have strong compassion, strong respect for others, then forgiveness is much easier. Mainly for this reason: I do not want to harm another. Forgiveness allows you to be in touch with these positive emotions. This will help with spiritual development.”

Have you ever forgiven the unforgivable?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Laughing... has got to be one of the top things I love doing... I especially get really silly when I get tired and once I start there is no stopping me. Then everything is funny to me. Even if someone were to try and have a serious conversation with me, most likely I would not be able keep a straight face :) I probably have one of the more embarrassing and loudest types of laughs in the world, and guess what? ...if you don't like it, then don't listen to it...

It’s as simple as curving your lips into a smile...the minute you begin turning those lips up, a warm fuzzy feeling begins to build within you. Try it, even if you are having a bad day, Smile! Even if you are upset, Smile! It's amazing how this little gesture brings a change within automatically begin to feel better and you begin to think of things and people that make you feel good. Then you start remembering the funny little episodes that occurred in your life...and before you know it you are laughing at loud. At this point, low and behold, some passerbys' probably think you are cuckoo, but laugh anyway... :)

Believe me, laughter is contagious!!! Have you ever laughed so hard that you thought your insides were going to burst?

Try this sometime...when in the company of your friends and family, just start laughing silly and at loud, even if you have nothing to laugh about. Before you know it you are laughing hysterically and uncontrollably and you have your friends and family laughing with you...

One more thing... have you ever hard a baby laugh? ...that deep deep belly laugh? ...don't you just love it? ...I will bet that you will not be able to watch this without a smile or even a laugh....ENJOY!!!


Why meditate? Simple. To improve your health and well-being... Hey! You might even learn a few new things about yourself...

My reiki teacher once said that “praying is you talking to God” and “meditating is you listening to God.” I love this…MEDITATING IS YOU LISTENING TO GOD...

It’s so important to take some time, even as little as fifteen or twenty minutes a day, and just dedicate this time to yourself. Meditating is a way to assess and listen to YOU. It allows you to explore the things that may be unnecessarily occupying and cluttering your mind. Meditation can also provide means to resolving the questions to problems you may be having. By allowing your mind and body to slow down, you might find the answers you are looking for. After a while you may even notice that your reactions to certain people and certain situations that upset you are different, you feel you are calmer and even less angrier.

Once a week during my lunch hour I meet with a mediation group at work. My meditation instructor is right, it is easier to meditate with a group. So if you can get together with couple of friends, try it.

But many of us don't have time to meet with a group of people to meditate. Therefore, find a place where and time when no one can interrupt you. This could be before you get out of bed in the morning, before you go to sleep, on your break, on your lunch hour, or even when you feel like you need a few minutes to yourself.

While you meditate make sure to breathe. If you are having trouble quieting your mind, pay attention to your breathing. It's funny, this was the first thing I noticed about my breathing was erratic. I usually try to meditate right before I go to bed. It’s unbelievable the difference I feel, especially when I am having trouble falling asleep because of ten million things going through my mind. Just couple of minutes into my meditation and I start to feel the tenseness of my body relax...

Below is a link to a short video clip from Mayo Clinic that will get you started and on the way to make yourself comfortable in your chair and begin...